Thursday, November 11, 2010

Tiger Roaming The Streets.

This is surveillance video made in a Siberian village of a Siberiat tiger walking freely across the village at night. It looks like a dog chases it off. And I get scared when I wake up to find that a bum has gone through my recycling bin.

Crazy Japanese “Comedy”.
Simple and Clever Invention.
Guy On Treadmill For The First And Last Time.

I know this game is addictive but these guys are a little nuts. I’ve play it and I can barely keep the little fucker on his sled.

Play Line Rider here.
Crazy Line Rider Clip.
More Crazy line rider clips.

Jeisa Chiminazzo Jeisa Chiminazzo Jeisa Chiminazzo Jeisa Chiminazzo

This is Jeisa Chiminazzo, yet another Brazilian supermodel. They must put something in the water down there because they sure breed ‘em HOT. Meanwhile all we get is Fluoride.

emily_scott_tiny.jpgEmily Scott.
hilary_swank_tiny.jpgHilary Swank.
tabitha_taylor_tiny.jpgTabitha Taylor


DoubleViking MediaBom Popoholic The Daily Buzzer

Hot Bullz-Eye Girl of the Day - Jessica. [Bullz-Eye]

A Padma Lakshmi Picture Gallery. [DoubleViking]

Brooke Burns brings a smile to my face. [MediaBom]

Ali Larter and The Girls From Heroes . [Popoholic]

Nell McAndrew Makes You Forget About it All. [The Daily Buzzer]

HornyOyster The Bastardly CollegeHumor HollywoodTuna

Alley Baggett in diamonds. [HornyOyster]

Kristin Davis’s Esquire Magazine Photos. [Bastardly]

Who said marching bands were gay. [CollegeHumor]

An Evelina Papantoniou Picture Moment. [ HollywoodTuna]

More Girls.

Ana Beatriz Barros Ana Beatriz Barros Ana Beatriz Barros Ana Beatriz Barros

Ana Beatriz Barros Ana Beatriz Barros Ana Beatriz Barros Ana Beatriz Barros

“Everybody sunbathes topless here in Brazil. Americans are shy about the body. I have to remember that when I go there.”

Poor Ana…You can come by my place anytime, I sleep in so not too early, I have one of those inflatable pools….We can have a Cocktail.

erin_nash_tiny.jpg Erin Nass.
jennifer_sky_tiny.jpg Jennifer Sky.
hurley_tiny.jpg Elizabeth Hurley.

Reatlity TV has been all the rage for years in North America. Now Russia has joined the party. Here are some highlights from a show where a group of 20 something’s live together in search of Love called “Dom II: New Love“.

Balls of Steel — Make Them Move!
Great moment in Brazilian television.
Crazy Mass Games in North Korea.


This work comes from the VeeCee Creative Co-Op, a group of artists who to protest extremely high rent prices in Tel-Aviv, took to the streets with cardboard “whores” attempting to show the city government that they had enough of prices going up day after day.

whore_05a.jpg whore_04a.jpg whore_02a.jpg whore_09a.jpg

Cop Girl Evian Ad.
Portraits by Artist Jill Greenberg.
The Singapore Miracle.

Bullz-Eye DoubleViking mediabom Popoholic

Hot Bullz-Eye Girl - Brittany Cage. [Bullz-Eye]

Adriane Artiles In GQ. [DoubleViking]

Scarlett Johansson in Esquire. [MediaBom]

Ashley Hartman Is Just… Wow. [Popoholic]

dyna_razinn6.jpg holly_weber_1_top1_th.jpg cameron-diaz01090701.jpg 360_tits.jpg

Dyna Razinn Bikini Photoshoot. [Red Balcony]

Holly Weber shows off her goods. [HornyOyster]

Angry Cameron Diaz Photoshoot[Bastardly]

Is 360 degrees of boobies the new boobies? [CollegeHumor]

A Tera Patrick Picture Moment. [ HollywoodTuna]

More Girls.

Keira Knightley Keira Knightley Keira Knightley Keira Knightley

Finally some pictures of Keira Knightley looking a little less like a TomBoy and more like the Starlett we’ve all come to know and Love…..Or at least Like more than a friend.

roxanne_pallett_tiny.jpg Roxanne Pallett.
hurley_tiny.jpg Elizabeth Hurley.
april_scott_05.jpg April Scott is Perfect.

Pencil Sculpture

These are just sculptures using thousands of sharpenned pencils by artist Jennifer Maestre.

Pencils are common objects, here, these anonymous objects become the structure. There is true a fragility to the sometimes brutal aspect of the sculptures, vulnerability that is belied by the fearsome texture.(source)

I can’t imagine the patience it must have taken to do this. I’m annoyed thinking about it.

Pencil Sculpture Pencil Sculpture Pencil Sculpture Pencil Sculpture

Car Kit Wall Art.
Cool Souvenir Photos.
Dirty Old Man Crossing?

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