Saturday, December 11, 2010

ganesha tattoo designs

ganesh tattoo designs 12 ganesha tattoo designs

ganesh tattoo designs 12

ganesha tattoo designs are a heretical art. Many religions expressly forbid tattoos. As far as I know, the Hindu religion as a whole does not disallow tattoos. Of course, sects will differ, and keep in mind that Hindu cultural values are rather conservative on most things. Mendhi is a beautiful example of Indian body decoration for women, but it is not the same as tattooing. Anecdotally, I have concluded that the majority of people who get body art with religious symbols are not strict followers of religious protocols. Rather, they find their own meaning and create their own rituals to access their spirituality. Even though tattoos are now commonly accepted, there is still a bit of rebelliousness and an independent streak running through most people who get them. Ganesha is the Lord of Obstacles, meaning he helps overcome obstacles when we honor him, but he also can create obstacles if we dishonor him. I assume you would wear his likeness out of affection rather than disrespect, and if seeing him on your wrist gives you more opportunities to honor him, that seems very good to  me. Hindus regard images of God/dess as living embodiments of the deity represented. In a very direct way divine images help us focus on the Divine Presence that is always everywhere, but which we tend to forget in the many details of our daily lives.

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